Interesting question. If God took a day off would anybody notice? At first glance we may only be able to look at this as a hypothetical question, but let us start at the beginning, well the beginning as we know it, “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made” (Genesis 2:2) What do we consider this resting to be? Did God take this day off? Both anciently and modernly this day of rest was turned into a day of worship. Now how do believers give this day off to God? We pester him more than any other day! Think about it. In a typical meeting how many thoughtless prayers are uttered?
Big breath. Heavenly Father we thank you for this day, and all our many blessings .Another big breath. Bless us with your spirit, Bless the Missionaries, Bless the Gordon Hinckley guy. Bless BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Now these meetings are held all over the world. I can only begin to wonder how many prayers like this are said on any given Sunday. Would it make any difference if we said these prayers or not? If at the end of a day for some strange reason did not follow the traditions of our Fathers to pray so travel home with no harm or accident, would anybody get hurt?
I believe that as long as people are praying and they believe there prayers are getting answered than they are correct. The power of positive thinking. So if God took a day off they really wouldn’t notice. This statement can well be made for 99 out of 100 prayers. But I also believe that there is a way that prayers can be heard and this is what the Scriptures talk of when they speak about a mighty prayer.